
Chester M. Biggs, Jr. - Edward C. Kramer Post 545



The NC American Legion Lady Fastpitch Softball league began in 2017 with 11 teams.  Growth in 2018 increased the teams to 18 Senior teams & 6 Junior teams.  By the 2019 season, there were over 40 Senior teams, 21 Junior teams with a Department Tournament.  2020 was going to be even larger until the season was cancelled due to Covid.  What does 2021 bring?

Our Port City Post 545 teams competed in 2019 season and we will have a Junior and Senior team for the 2021 season.

American Legion Code of Sportsmanship 

I will:

Keep The Rules;  Keep Faith With My Teammates; Keep My Temper; Keep Myself Fit; Keep A Stout Heart In Defeat; Keep My Pride Under In Victory; Keep A Sound Soul; A Clean Mind And A Healthy Body."

For detailed infomation visit nclegion.org/legion-lady-softball-2/

For information on sponsor opportunities, see page 2